“Knowing others is intelligent, knowing yourself is true wisdom” – Lao Tzu

The Mindfulness Project is part of a global movement which wants to make a difference.
We deeply believe that all the solutions for our current problems are already out there and we only have to tie the strings together into a healthy and healing system where we combine natural building, organic farming, alternative energies and water systems with a strong emphasis on personal growth and meditation.
Albert Einstein once said, that a problem can NEVER be solved with the same mind state that created that problem. So we deeply believe that a change has to start with our own mind and heart.
The development of your full potential, your creativity, your liveliness is so much more important than houses, gardens and structures. And the old traditions show us the way! We create an atmosphere where people feel at home and we work and life together like one big family.
The Mindfulness Project System has been scientifically researched by the University of Murcia, Spain and has shown amazing results! So come in and become part of the change!
What you will learn and work on

We have been operating since 2012, but have migrated to different locations over the years. From January 2016 to this past May 2024, the Mindfulness Project was developed on property in Khon Kaen. However, in May of 2024 we permanently moved to a beautiful piece of land in Loei, Thailand! Here we are currently building our new ecovillage from scratch!
It has been a fascinating process and we are still very much in the pioneering stage, so you can learn everything with hands-on experiences like :
- water harvesting structures ;
- natural building ;
- building with natural stones ;
- composting food and toilets ;
- creating natural products;
- installing alternative energy ;
- starting permaculture gardens ;
- earth bag building, and so much more
And the whole community will act as a mosaic on every building. Incredible art! We will rock it and it will be a once in a lifetime experience!
You will also get daily teachings in Yoga, Meditation and teachings about topics like psychology, non-violent communication, permaculture and much more!
Our schedule and important informations

We will take you on an incredible journey of self-transformation.
This involves a commitment from you and a deep willingness to be involved in all our activities, waking up early each day, and working hard for this planet and the people around us.
Drugs and alcohol are strictly forbidden during the whole time of your stay.
You will experience a lot of beautiful moments of meeting and helping Thai people but it also means that you need to be able to adjust to Thai culture, especially the dress-code.

The Mindfulness Project is known for it’s extremely delicious and healthy food.
We cook two large and super tasty vegetarian organic meals per day. Natural snacks and food are always available when needed, as well. This will boost your immune system and puts you on a path to yummy healthy cuisine. Encounter how incredible healthy food can taste!
But the most amazing thing is that we cook with our participants together so that everybody is contributing to the preparation of the meals. By that we have incredible meals from all around the globe every day and learn from each other the fascinating secrets of other cultures and food.
We can cater for vegan, gluten free and most allergies.
Who are our participants?

People are attracted to the Mindfulness Project because they are interested in meditation and personal growth as well as in creative expression and care for the environment and nature.
We have a vision of how our project will be, but we want YOU to become a real part of the project for the time you are here instead of just a participant. That means that we are happy if you contribute your creativity, your ideas and visions and help to make it more diverse, interesting and happy. So you can design the mosaic, help us with ideas for our mindfulness clothes, films, photos, structure, business ideas etc. We have yoga-teachers, crafts people and expert of different faculties coming to our project.
Our dream is to make this place into a learning and healing center for alternative living and helping people as much as possible. There are no limits and we provide a space, where we can all learn from each other and most important can make mistakes.
The Mindfulness Family welcomes you to emerge on an incredible journey inside. And we are just beginning. So you can be part of the magic of the very start!
We are deeply dedicated to make inner and outer change and we are looking for people who want to join in this adventure which means hard work, mentally and physically and be content with very basic facilities!
Costs and facilities

We have a full program here at the Mindfulness Project and are proud of the healing place we have created so far.
We consider ourselves to be more of a working retreat than a simple work exchange, and the feedback from previous participants reflects this.
We ask for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week working time. The work is an essential part of the retreat program.
The instructional side of the program includes yoga (60 mins/day), meditation (45 mins/day) as well as the evening talking circle and lectures (up to 3 hours/day).
The facilities are basic but beautiful and natural. You will be living in shared tents with new friends from all over the world. We currently have 1 outdoor compost toilet (with another in the process of being built) and 4 outdoor showers. Everyone gets a mattress, sheets, blankets, and a pillow. Yoga mats are also provided. Please bring anything else you need to be comfortable.
Our daily price is 450 THB/day.
Our minimum stay is 10 days.
We ask participants to pay the first 10 days upfront upon arrival. The remaining days if you decide to extend, can be paid later in your stay.
Want an example of our teachings?
How to find us?
Download here our PDF with directions how to get to us. It contains detailed descriptions and photos so you will have no problem finding us. Let´s start your adventure!
What to bring?

How to make us happy?

We get asked a lot what one can bring from home. So here is our list what you can bring if you want to make us happy:
Frequent asked questions

This will answer most of your questions :
What they say about us

Watch our video
This video will give you a better insight in our project, our activities and who we are.
The Mindfulness Project is one of the most transformative experiences you can have! Outer development of nature and forest combined with an amazing self transformative system will make your stay an experience of a lifetime! Come and be part of a worldwide community of conscious people! We heal the world with the heart!
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