Date/Time: June 14, 2024 to June 16, 2024, 6:00 pm - 12:00 pm

Location: Dimensionefiume




The project is known for creating a unique connection between partissipants and to change lifes. This workshop can change your’s! We use modern science from the field of neuroscience and psychology in conjunction with ancient wisdom from Yoga, meditation and differnet spiritual backgrounds to show you a way to hardwire love and happiness into your heart and mind!

Self-love is THE key to happiness! If you have an authentic loving connection with yourself, resiliance, energy, focus, joy and a deep sense of purpose is evolving. Christian and Anja will guide you in the most fun and touching ways into the core of your being where your life energy is found. Don’t wait. Start your journey to more fulfillment NOW!

THE THEME OF THIS WORKSHOP: Divine feminine energy

We all, men and woman, have masculine and feminine energy inside of us. These energies, also discribed by J.G. Jung as anima and animus, can be developed in different degrees. If one is missing or is underdeveloped, you are not living your full potential! The divine feminine energy is the creative, flowing energy within you that grounds, nurtures, dances in relationships with the universe. Divine masculine energy may become too narrow and forceful without a good balance of more circular, connected, adapting energy from the Divine feminine.

Unlock your full potential and join us on this journey towards your inner power!


Christian Carow was the owner of a successful marketing company, worked as an consultant and was an assistant in group psychotherapy before he decided to change his life very radical. He became a monk for one year in the Thai forest tradition under his teacher Ajahn Somchai Kantasillo. He has also studied alongside leading meditation teachers like Jack Kornfield, Thich Nhat Hanh and Fred von Allem.

Since 2006 he is leading meditation retreats in Thailand and Germany. He is the co-founder of the Mindfulness Project, a modern community, where he integrates Psychology, Neuroscience, Meditation, Yoga with new ways of holistic living. The project provides a unique learning experience for thousands of volunteers from around the world and has been life changing for a lot of them. His goal is to find a modern approach to contemplative practices in order to impact the personal, social and economic dimension of people towards a more fulfilling and sustainable life.




Anja studied Sports and Biology and during her exam she had a spontaneous insight, that becoming a school teacher will not be her path and she decided to go to Aisa after finishing her study to learn meditation and ancient wisdom. Together with Christian she stumbled into a Thai monastery and the teachings had such an incredible impact, that she studied meditation and Yoga ever since. It became her driving force to teach these ancient wisdom to young people in a very alive and relatable way. Her laughter is so infectious and her Yoga classes become a deep dive into interreligious practises and wisdom.

She started her Yoga teacher training in the Himalayan Institute for 4 years and travels to Rishikesh, India to dive deeper into the wisdom of Yoga.

Beginn: 14.06.2024 at 6:00pm

End: 16.06.2024 at 4:00pm

You are most welcome to come Thursday morning and stay until Monday evening. On Thursday and Friday we will prepare the place, built some facilities, clean the location and have a good time together. Last time it was amazing to meet and enjoy the company before and after the workshop, living together like a little family! On Sunday evening and Monday is time to dance, hug, chat and just have time to deeply enjoy the company of each other.


We have an amazing Italian family who are running a beautiful community in Italy: Dimensionefiume (more information on Instagram: @dimensionefiume)

They have an amazing land with a river and nature beauty! They offered us this plot of land, which is their home, for us to use for this weekend for free! We are so gratefull for their generosity!

The location is very closed to the Malpensa airport and we can organize a pickup from there. Also the  train station Turbigo is only 5 minutes by car away!

If you have questions about coming here please contact us via email.

All details about the exact location and how to get there will be send to you in an email.


  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Talking circles
  • Teachings
  • Great company
  • Connection
  • & a lot of Hugsss





As mentioned this will be a camping weekend so please bring the following:

  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping mat
  • Yoga mat
  • compfy Yoga and meditation clothes
  • Pillow
  • Warm clothes
  • Towel and toiletries
  • Head torch
  • Food for snacks
  • Notepad and pen
  • Food container, fork, spoon, mug
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Food for the community

We did everything to keep the cost to a minimum. You don’t have to pay for accomodation, water or electricity at all. Just bring your own tent and sleeping necessities. The Mindfulness Project is all about community. We will cook together to keep cost as low as possible. We will shop for all of you and share the cost with everybody. It will be around 20 Euros per person per day.

€160 + 60 Euros for food

You are welcome to pay an extra €50 donation for the new forest center if you like (optional, see more information about our reforestation project here)

There is an early bird price of 145 Euros until 01.March 2024

Payment is by PayPal. You can use their service also if you don’t have a PayPal account!

If money is an serious issue, you can contact us. We want that everybody is able to attend. There is a possibility to pay in 3 parts. Contact us via

Cancellation policy: You can cancel until 1 month before the workshop for a processing fee of 50 Euros. After that the full amount is charged.







Book Your Spot!

This event is fully booked.