The NextGENOA are working towards creating a strong & active network of youth who are committed to taking care for the Earth in their local areas throughout the Asia & Oceania region. For this purpose we are organizing a one month Ecovillage Design Course that is certified by Gaia Education, for active youth from the Asia & Oceania region in October.
To fund this Ecovillage Design Course we need your help, as many of the participants will not have sufficient funds to cover the costs of this course and the NextGENOA Network is run on voluntary work. The money we will raise will go to cover the cost of food, accommodation, local travel of about ± 25 participants & also to pay for the facilitators & co-facilitators of the course.
The Next Generation of the Global Ecovillage Network of Oceania and Asia (NextGENOA) is the youth movement of GENOA (Global Ecovillage Network of Oceania & Asia for more info go to:
NextGENOA is a growing network of young people of the Ecovillage and Sustainability movement within the Oceania and Asia region. These groups of young people have been active in their local areas, among their friends, family and other young people, to raise awareness about environmental issues & to come up with eco-solutions. These young people aim to inspire others to become part of growing tribe of people who are committed and actively engaged in the healing process of the earth and creating a sustainable future.
The Ecovillage Design Education (EDE – Gaia Education) is an educational program that has been developed by Gaia Education (more info go to ) that has proven to be very effective in providing the knowledge and pathways of a holistic way of living towards a sustainable future. Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) programs create transformation in people at all levels & these EDE’s have been successfully held throughout the world.
The NextGENOA EDE will be an holistic educational program that will bring NextGENOA young leaders from the Oceania and Asia region together at Gaia Ashram, Thailand to meet and share with each other at the mental, heart, practical and spirit level. This NextGENOA EDE will build capacity, skills & a deep understanding of Ecovillage Design Education process. This NextGENOA EDE will help in laying a foundation for the creation of a strong NextGENOA network.
After the NextGENOA EDE program there will be a NextGENOA strategic planning meeting for four days, followed by a three days Deep Ecology forest retreat. The NextGENOA strategic planning meeting will be held with the purpose to design NextGENOA’s organizational structure and platform using Ecovillage Design principles. The aim of creating & strengthening the NextGENOA Platform is to enable more young people within the region to become part of the sustainability movement. The Deep Ecology retreat aims to deepen our connection and commitment with the Earth, the source of life that gives us strength and connect us all together at a deeper level.
Tentative date of activities
- NextGENOA EDE : 2nd October – 30th November 2016
- NextGENOA Planning meeting : 31st October – 3rd November 2016
- NextGENOA Deep Ecology retreat in the forest : 4th – 6th November 2016
Expected Outcome
NextGENOA is strengthened, with a diverse group of empowered and committed young leaders from various countries within the Oceania and Asia region. NextGENOA becomes an inspiring movement that provides a guideline and a platform for young people within the region to become active in creating a sustainable future together.
- Participants gain a deep knowledge & understanding of Ecovillage Design Education.
- Participants are more empowered and become more confident to practice, live and promote sustainable living for a sustainable future in their local areas.
- Participants are deeply connected with each other & inspired by the Ecovillage values and vision.
- NextGENOA network is strengthen with clarity of vision, mission and organizational structures.
Participants & Selection process
We aim to bring together between 20 to 25 NextGENOA’s participants selected from the active GENOA & NextGENOA countries.The participants are between 23-33 years old & are already active in sustainable living practices at any level (local/regional or global). Participants are deeply interested, motivated and able to commit to become part of NextGENOA team to create a strong network and movement of the young within the region & local areas.
- The total fund we need to organize the three events (EDE, meeting and retreat) is 12,975 USD. To raise this amount of fund we divide into two parts:
1) Each participant has to raise funds for themselves, with the support of their GENOA country representative. The amount to be raised per participants is 450 UDS per person to attend the EDE, the gathering & meeting and the retreat.
2) The rest of the amount will be raised by NextGENOA through this campaign which at the current financial situation amounts to 5000 USD total.
“May this NextGENOA EDE, Meeting & Deep Ecology Retreat be of benefit to all beings & our beautiful planet Earth”