
Worm Hunters

Another kids day, a lot more fun! Our once monthly day with Jerry’s weekend school came around again and this time we were focusing on cycles in nature. There was a lot of introductions, singing, discussing, acting, learning and laughing, all topped off with a meditation at the end. We [...]

2019-12-12T06:53:46+07:00June 4th, 2018|General, Outreach, Permaculture|0 Comments


Work has begun in earnest: we have just over two weeks before we move from our current lovely home to what will be a lovely home, once we make it. To prepare for this we have begun creating a make-shift tent to sleep in for the time being, moving the [...]

2017-08-15T18:33:29+07:00March 27th, 2016|News, Permaculture|0 Comments
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