Anne Marie

About Anne Marie

Anne Marie is a nomadic lover of the earth and its many cultures. She ponders everything and expresses her thoughts through many mediums including writing, baking, and dance.

Life After the Mindfulness Project

This piece was written by Neele Kuder — a volunteer from Germany who visited the project in February/March and recently returned home. After leaving the Project, I was lucky enough to maintain my bubble of loving-kindness in the form of two fellow travelers a while longer, until we reached our [...]

2019-11-25T06:00:36+07:00June 10th, 2019|Psychology|0 Comments

Life Lessons from a Cat

At the Mindfulness Project, we’re big believers in taking care of others. We’ve built a house for one of our neighbors, we teach English in local villages, and if anyone shows up at the project during meal time, we invite them to grab a plate and join us. This mindset [...]

2020-01-06T05:04:09+07:00May 10th, 2019|General, Psychology|0 Comments
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